Thursday, October 7, 2010

War, Peace, You, Me- Dream?

Nuclear law being a subject which really gets my mind to work, think and question, this post is just for all of us to think, as to where the real culprit some country, their people or somewhere else..??
The arms race today has been blown up to an unfathomable extent, rather i should say to an extent that even i cannot imagine. being just a student... time and again, there have been many excuses to peace, but i seek to know a few things ..
1. in a country's political realm, is achievement of war objectives more important than the lives of the individuals, or rather to say human rights..?
2. should people be sacrificed, the innocent lives be lost in the process of a country's journey to being on top of the international order..?
3. where is this desire to make, possess and use nuclear weapons stem from ..? well to this i have an answer- the nihilistic tendencies of various individuals to treat citizens of this earth as mere commodities or objects, or simply the fellows of the enemy nation.
4. why can't the cry of peace travel beyond boundaries..why should it stop at the border..?
5. what is the rationale to fight a war, acquire a territory or killing people when the law of cause and effect does prevail over the entire universe..?

Albert Einstein has said- i don't know with what weapons WW III is going to be fought, but WW IV will surely be fought with sticks and stones.

i very strongly feel that nuclear weapons be just destroyed from the face of this earth. the countries the world over must take actions or make policies, rather i should say follow their policies by putting them into action..a policy that calls for freezing of the nuclear weapons throughout the world for all countries.

i also think and feel, that each one of us, must really go beyond petty concerns and considerations of ethnic differences, religious affiliations, caste, creed, cultural distinctions, and view everybody inhabiting this earth as an individual, just like me. a girl in Afghanistan loves playing with barbie dolls as much as i did in my childhood, here in India..
a boy in Ohio loves playing football as much as another boy in Russia..

Life lasts no longer, than the exhaling of ones' breath awaits the drawing of another.. why can't we all live happily, together, equally ..??

an animal is more faithful than a human,
the goal of every human is to live and live long,
then why is this 'human' different from another 'human' in another country ?
why can't we humans be faithful to our own selves first, by believing in our own humanity, in our own goodness, compassion and kindness ?
why can't we humans give ourselves a chance to live..? and allow others to be happy doing the same..?
why doesn't the conscience of violent people lead to an awesome guilt in their hearts when the life of another has been sacrificed by their own hands ?

Peace- is it a dream. or do i call it a "utopian concept" just left to be read in textbooks and hearing it in farcical newspapers, at instances when terror strikes..?
why can't it be achieved now, here, at present ??

John Lennon- "All we are saying give peace a chance.."

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